View Profile WinTang

285 Audio Reviews

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crack fwizzle and so on

Whoa man, this is awesome!

It's the first song I'm hearing from you, but it's wonderful, I love how the track a) doesn't give a crap about conventional songwriting b) doesn't give a crap about conventional production and c) seems to be all about not giving a crap!!

It's random, but well thought out randomness and that's the only random with artistic value. Plus it's transparent, I can hear everything that goes on. You made it so that I don't get lost in the randomness, I can just swim around in it :)

Oh man and I loved the guitar. Don't that be the best instrument ever, a guitar?

Sorry man, all tens :)
Heard any Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3 or Frank Zappa? Check them out, I think that for example Mr. Bungles tune "Desert search for Techno Allah" will appeal to you...

Keep it up! Once I finish my MAC6 July reviewing spree I'll be back soon to check out more of your stuff, in the meantime, you're free to do the same to mine :)

5/5 obviously

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

*weep, 'somebody understands me!!!' lol.
no seriously, this is a review that i love. u seem to appreciate the not giving a crapness in a lot of my music. i think ur bungle appreciation gives u a good standpoint to enjoy this track, and yes i know well the cheifs and bungle. and 'desert search... 1 of my favourite tracks in the world. have u heard the album 'california'? if u have then u'll recognise the vocals in the middle of rapture 2012 from goodbye sober day. i sahre a certain musical sensibility with mr bungle that a lot of people find hard to swallow but i can see u have a wide aesophagus. will check some of ur stuff
peas and crisps,


Normally I don't review this type of music, but participating in the MAC6 July makes you part of my reviewing spree. So here goes:

Apart from the generic nature of the genre, you have applied some cliches in a pretty innovative way. Which gains you my respect for autonomically manipulating the style so that it becomes your own, not just a rip-off of, I dunno, DJ Tiesto or something (forgive if I'm totally talking out of my ass).

That leaves the following gripe though: the samples and synths you're using are really, really corny, lol. It's the 90s all over again - Maxx, 2Unlimited, Aqua etc. Sugary, ear-pleasing, toybox synths... they really make it hard for me to see this as a mature dance song, save for a few moments of boldly attacking the listener's ears. :)

Another thing is that I think the bassdrum is too muffled, and the snare does not so much provide a semi-strong beat as an, admittably cozy, 'sssh' sound.

Sorry for picking this apart so, I just think you can get a looooooot better if you escape from the clutches of a dance culture that bloomed too long ago... You may as well disregard what I'm saying if you're happy with the way it is, after all, it's already very popular.

Anyway, good endeavors to you!

Flashburn responds:

well I appreciate the reviews from all of you, criticism is good.

Not a bad effort man.

The bad news is that I have no idea what's going on, mainly due to the bad recording - if only I could keep track of the drums, I would not be as bothered by the overall screechiness.

The good thing is that it's obvious that there's a lot of creativity to this song, so make improving your mastering your top priority and in a few months you just might be submitting legendary metal crazes!

Don't give up,

darkkloud responds:

thanks wintang, im starting to get the hang of the mastering a bit, so they should b geting better.


I don't really care for this kind of music but it's extremely well done. The whole build-up, the steady groove, the synths and sounds, the mastering, it's all very professional and catchy. Great.
I especially liked the beginning where the theme was structured into 3 bars rather than the usual 4.
Keep it up!
(And don't act weird on the forums :P)

Haiasi responds:

Saint still wont talk to me lol...

4th place dude, cool!

Not entirely my taste, it used to be though :)

People change.

Anyway, it's definitely a very interesting song. Great guitar playing, the drums are awesome too, refreshing to hear some LIVE double bass drums for a change.

It's a good composition, although it tends to get a little generic, but you solve a lot of that by inventing special riffs.

The lyrics, as far as I can hear them, don't really do much for me.
The vocals are decent, somewhat nasal but that's not the point - what you should work on is intonation. You have a tendency to intonate too low. This unfortunately causes people to associate it with emo. You have sufficient singing talent to become real good but if you don't already, I'd advise you to take some singing lessons to work on weaknesses.

About the whole coda part ("Broken wings part 2"), it's nice, but goes on a little too long I think, and because it eventually ends with that you risk an anticlimax to on otherwise powerful, lively and diverse song.

Given your tender age of 18 though, it's obvious that you can become a stand-out artist. You remind me of myself when I ran a band and although we sucked a bit, we had a very frivole energy that I hear in your stuff too. That's a great starting point. Do some polishing and you'll amaze even yourself man. Keep it up!

Love-Hate-War responds:

Thank you for the most well thought out review I have recieved thus far. Your kind words mean alot to me, thanks again!!


Good, solid work.

It's not exactly subtle, a little bombastic for my taste, but you deserve a kudos for the energy and structured chaos you bring across.

Still, though it may just be personal taste, I think you could look into a bit more variation. You'd be surprised how effective a quiet interlude will be, it will amplify the overall suspense and make it much more colorful.

So in short, you have a really good insight in techniques and moods, but to make a really epic piece I think it lacks diversity a bit.

Great job though and congrats on 3rd place! Keep it up!


MaestroSegments responds:

the final piece has a interlude which does exactly what you were thinking about. This song's been pissing me off though, it just never seems to want to finish. I don't want to rush it, but I also don't want to slave away at it while other pieces could be made.

Thanks for the congrats and the review WinTang, much appreciated.

We have our WINNAR

Congratulations man.

And well-deserved. This is very very nice indeed! Everything works, the beat and its glitches, the glassy synths, the pads are introduced at exactly the right time. The bass adds a new dimension.

Reminds me a lot of Radiohead in the Kid A era.

It's a good thing to wear a sig that brings this song to people's attention.

Keep up the awesomeness! 5/5!

StrangeEncounters responds:


Thank you. Although it doesn't remind of Radiohead. :)


HAHA! Man, that's superbly done. Very, very funny.
The great thing is that the beginning is really well done too, which makes the surprise even bigger.
I loved the drums in the beginning, tried-and-true ominous snare-drumming, and the lead was very nice, reminded me of Metroid. It bugged me a bit how the brass was sampled here, it should've been more legato IMO.
The Drum and Bass part is very interesting as well, with the bluesy trumpet. I'd have liked a meatier kickdrum, but the rest is very good.
Look forward to seeing this in the flash too!

Cerrax responds:

Yours has a lot more to it technically than mine does. Yours is very funny and paints a vivid picture in my head. Thanks for reviewing mine!


I had a bit of a scare when I heard the intro, it's a synth that I have come to associate with trance, which I kinda loathe.

But it turned out for the best man, seriously, I love what you've done with the drums, the sustaining notes, the delayed syncopating guitar in the back, the water sample, the lead synth, it all blends together. I probably told you before that your stuff reminds me a lot of Mogwai?

There's one note, ONE SINGLE NOTE in the lead that I don't like - it's the note at the start of bar , or something, whatever, it doesn't matter. Everything else is ace.

5/5 definitely.

pitbulljones responds:

haha, you thought i'd make a dance track? Dude thats not the pitbull way. i don't think you'll ever see me make a tune in that genre.

yea the drusm were done in FL,a 16 bar loop i made, theres a tambourine underneath the sanre at the begginin of each bar. i ahd trouble with my hats tho as i accidently deleted one of em, im still not happy with the compromise ive got.

Delayed guiats are what i do best, reversein em and lushing em with fx, pitbull signature. and the mogwai comparision again, cheers mate. I don't think im there just yet though.

theres been acouple of comments about this one note standing out, at least you've picked it out, so i know which one it is. Personally i don't lke the sharp at the end of the bar, oh well/

cheers again wintang.

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

Actor and composer


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