Definitely progressive
Hi, I'm responding to your PM in a minute but I felt like properly reviewing this. I don't know anything about Flash programming but this falls under 'cinema' which I'm considerably more experienced with. :-)
The experience of watching this was very refreshing to say the least, it is delightful to see so much work put into every frame, this is truly what more people should use Newgrounds for - as a platform to experiment, develop one's own style and possibly working toward making the step from amateur to professional, which I think you could certainly pull off.
This movie starts out as a double-edged spoof, of Newgrounds sprite movies as well as of blockbusters like the Matrix, but it starts exceeding that pretty soon. The narration is very similar to David Lynch's, in the sense that I don't really know what the fuck is going on but it intrigues me and I really find myself moving to the edge of my seat. Characters are introduced very bluntly (in the best sense of the word) and we are treated with lines like "Should that guy be doing that?" which make sense in meaning but not in wording. The whole atmosphere you create allows you to even include footage of yourself - which is a pretty bold move, but worked extremely well in this case.
Of course there are some flaws, there's bound to be, but they are mainly found in the montage, there are points where it slows down somewhat unnecessarily. Another thing is that your choice of music is a little too much on the explanatory side at times, as if you think the animation itself isn't enough to get the point across. It is.
I love, however, how you shrouded that particular song in mystery and I'm curious to see how that turns out. And anyone who uses the Rite of Spring in a movie must at least have the right idea.
(Reviews are such a good opportunity to be totally elitist, hehe.)
I'll need to go see the previous parts as well when I have more time on my hands, but I can tell you now that I very much admire your efforts, and cinematographic talent. I haven't seen something this genuine on here since David Firth's "The child that smelt odd". In due time, it will attract the right people to help you further ahead, and I think it should definitely get its own collection on this site.
To sum up, truly ace. Talk to you soon.