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Very cool!

Nice, very nice! Delay really opens new passageways for composing, doesn't it? :)
Great harmonies, the chorus part is nicely chaotic and dynamic and doesn't get annoying.

Your playing is pretty steady, at some points it gets a tiny bit out of sync, but let's blame the booze!

5/5 man.

Btw if you could be arsed, please check my "Black Samurai waltz" - I suspect it'll be up your alley...

DarKsidE555 responds:

LoL, yeah let's blame the booze for it. XD Great you liked it man! Yes, delay is quite nice if you know how to use it. ^^

It was a bit tricky at the start...damn booze haha. I'll check out teh shit!


I'm kinda sorry for yelling at you in my "review" for the 'poc concert'. Though I still think your reviews are quite pointless, I know you don't exactly steal music.

(In the case of "My rock concert", though, you really wanted people to believe that it was played live, instead of coming clean about making it in Punk-O-Matic. Learn from the reviews that people don't take kindly to not being told the whole truth in cases like this.)

Anyway, I've got to say that people like MaestroSorrow are going a little too easy on you.
Not because I don't want you to get bad reviews, but because I think there really is a lot you should improve in.

On this track, for example, I'm hearing exactly one note at a time, from a bland guitar synth.
Now I don't know what program you're using, but there really isn't a lot that can let this pass as music - it's hardly even a melody, because there's no key and no beat to be detected (note that a beat doesn't need drums or steady playing to be detectable, but in this case it's clearly absent). There's no accompaniment, no FX, no dynamics, see what I'm getting at?

I want to make it clear that I know you're for real, and making an effort to create music - otherwise I might have 0'd this because frankly, it sounds like something put together in 5 minutes in an attempt to annoy people.

Harsh? Maybe, but if you want to be taken seriously in a place where Khuskans, LJCoffees and dj_padmans (just to name a few) submit 5 wonderful tracks a month, you should start working hard to make a difference.

I'm not sure where you should start, but here's an idea: I noticed that you've been on a reviewing spree, which is a good thing. I'd suggest that when you are about to write a review, you don't just give your verdict, but try to analyze what you hear. If you comment on music detailedly, you'll develop some sort of musical conciousness that will reveal itself when you make your own stuff again.

Of course you are free to disregard all this, I'm just one person - but I have this hunch that a lot of people will agree with me.

If you choose to take my comments into consideration, feel free to PM me anytime if you want something explained. Anyway, good luck.


Hehe! Cool stuff! VERY catchy beat, great work on the hi-hats :)
As someone said, simple but effective. Those orchestra hits were MEAN!

Very nice.

Cleverly put together, this one. Good idea to start out in half time feel, gives it a nice laidback feel.

Still, I somewhat lose interest a while after the jungle beat kicks in. It seems all the synth parts support a steady lead melody that isn't there, if you know what I mean.

Nevertheless, kick-ass beat, sweet build-up. Your stuff always has that raw lo-fi feel to it, which really makes a difference. Keep it up! 4/5

Canned happiness

This is what we call a "ditty" :)
It seems a little bit inspired by attemptedperfection (whom I hold in high regard) with its goofy lo-fi synths playing smartly syncopated melodies over a nagging beat (nice use of tom fills btw).
When the lead kicks in, it provides some funny dissonance.
It's basically canned happiness and it makes me smile.
It might have benefitted from some panning swipes (if that's the accurate term) but on the other hand, that might've made it too Mike Oldfield-y...
As always, good job, Khuskan.


Reminds me of Ministry and Probot. It's very mean and dirty, I dig it. Loved the tremolo picks.
You seem to completely have slipped my attention until now... but you've good quality stuff here.
I'll be back to see what you'll do with your new distortion :)
5/5! Check out some of my music!

DarKsidE555 responds:

Thanks man, gonna listen to some of your shit as soon I get the time around! Oh and thanks for teh 5! :D

My new distortion will sound much better and "clearer", thats a promis! ;)


Agreed with PedroMancuso: Secret Chiefs 3 is an awesome band and totally up your alley. They fuse oriental music with just about any style - from techno to metal.

This was a neat experiment, but you can take it much further, I'd like to be swept between different cultures until I don't know which is which anymore :)

Keep it up! 4/5

LJCoffee responds:

Slamming two or three different styles together is always fun :)

I did something similar with "Those Soulful Chinese" you might dig that track if you liked this one.


Ahh... after three ambient songs, I was itching for something like this. Drums are kick-ass, but maybe the guitar should have been more prominent, and a little glitched and stuttery perhaps? A more frantic bass would have been nice too. Otherwise perfect. 5/5

LJCoffee responds:

Yeah, that damned guitar... I probably should have glitched up that bit - might be cool - I'll try it and see what happens.

Mmm, rain.

(I'm sick of having to write summaries)

This one is indeed very pretty, and very cleverly put together. However, I can't shake the feeling that I expected more from it when it started.

I think the problem is that with the delay effects and resigned percussion, the mood is set straight away and it doesn't progress much. In my opinion, you have been a bit too cautious with adding new stuff. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the thundery drums and low tremolo synth and whatnot, but what I'm missing is a little more variation in the [let's call it] lead guitar. I hope this is clear, it's always difficult to pinpoint elements of songs, especially when they're all trippy like this. :)

It's still very good, don't get me wrong. I just always write down whatever bugs me because I hope people will do the same to me.

4/5 for this then.

LJCoffee responds:

Very cool of you. Honesty is always appreciated and this is a good example of a review containing constructive criticism that will allow me to step back and more subjectively look at this track as well as others and find ways to improve it.

There is some progression - but only in the addition of new elements. Once they're there, they don't change much - I suppose I could give some pseudo artsy bullshit explanation about how the relentless repetition of each added element is key to the ambience of the piece and how it's a metaphor for the dreary monotony of rain and how aside from the chaos of pink noise that rainstorms create that there really isn't nuch variation which is the soul of this track...

And I could go on to claim that this is, in fact, posted to Ambient and that in general, most ambient tracks don't show a whole lot of variation anyways - not as much as say... techno
(said ljcoffee with sarcasm)

I suppose I could say all of that...

but it would all be bullshit :D

The truth is that you are correct and that I didn't do nearly as much with track as I could have - although I've found that once I start digging around and making little changes - the track inevitable turns into something completely different and often it seems to lose it's magic.

Your review was good and your comments valid. I will add your advice to the stack that I'm currently trying to work through.


It's neatness.

Well dude, this kicks ass. It really flows greatly, and when there was a hint of vocals introduced, that was a great trippy surprise!
The drums are very cool, the only thing that could have been toned down was the volume of the snare, or maybe just remove some treble from it.
Not much more to say, you obviously knew what you were doing and it all turned out great!

LJCoffee responds:

Thanks! So far I think three people have mentioned the volume of the drums - I'll make sure to watch out for that on future tracks. I think there may have been just a wee bit too much compression on them... not sure... thanks though!

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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