I'm kinda sorry for yelling at you in my "review" for the 'poc concert'. Though I still think your reviews are quite pointless, I know you don't exactly steal music.
(In the case of "My rock concert", though, you really wanted people to believe that it was played live, instead of coming clean about making it in Punk-O-Matic. Learn from the reviews that people don't take kindly to not being told the whole truth in cases like this.)
Anyway, I've got to say that people like MaestroSorrow are going a little too easy on you.
Not because I don't want you to get bad reviews, but because I think there really is a lot you should improve in.
On this track, for example, I'm hearing exactly one note at a time, from a bland guitar synth.
Now I don't know what program you're using, but there really isn't a lot that can let this pass as music - it's hardly even a melody, because there's no key and no beat to be detected (note that a beat doesn't need drums or steady playing to be detectable, but in this case it's clearly absent). There's no accompaniment, no FX, no dynamics, see what I'm getting at?
I want to make it clear that I know you're for real, and making an effort to create music - otherwise I might have 0'd this because frankly, it sounds like something put together in 5 minutes in an attempt to annoy people.
Harsh? Maybe, but if you want to be taken seriously in a place where Khuskans, LJCoffees and dj_padmans (just to name a few) submit 5 wonderful tracks a month, you should start working hard to make a difference.
I'm not sure where you should start, but here's an idea: I noticed that you've been on a reviewing spree, which is a good thing. I'd suggest that when you are about to write a review, you don't just give your verdict, but try to analyze what you hear. If you comment on music detailedly, you'll develop some sort of musical conciousness that will reveal itself when you make your own stuff again.
Of course you are free to disregard all this, I'm just one person - but I have this hunch that a lot of people will agree with me.
If you choose to take my comments into consideration, feel free to PM me anytime if you want something explained. Anyway, good luck.