View Profile WinTang

285 Audio Reviews

216 w/ Responses


I've been listening to a bunch of your tracks now - really interesting stuff. This is the best off your Nintendo/Beastie collabs as far as I'm concerned. It's really smooth, I love the shuffle feel and the dreadfully slow Tetris theme really gives it a fun edge. Well done!

Plus, I love Jerry Jackson.


I accidentally put the review for this under Closing In (because I scrolled to a random song via your profile), so go read there.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

haha, thanks man, was an awesome review too!
I don't "show off" mainly cause, I'm too lazy to do something more complex..haha..Plus, time is always against my old ass...ha.
I will definitely smooth things out for the vocal version, infact if I remember correctly, I already have. I just gotta do the damn vocals.

Thanks for the awesome review. And the fiven\m/

I believe the word to use is \m/

Nice, mean thrashing tune you got here man, this'll really benefit from vocals. I also like the modesty with which you display your skills, you're obviously capable of doing a 32ths solo for 3 mins straight but you dose the "show-off parts" really well, kudos.

Three things to gain more grooviness:
- The lead in the intro is a little bit off sometimes, especially in some of the licks.
- Overall I think the drums overpower the guitars a bit in volume, the latter could use a 3dB or so boost.
- I'd have liked the transcend in that oriental clean guitar at the end to be either more sudden or more gradual, it seemed a little sloppy.

I hope to see the final version soon! Eat teh faif :)


Drums didn't bug me at all, piano could've sounded better, especially in the high registers it sounds very thin - for a second there I thought it was a mandolin! That also made the violin sound a little off at some points where the piano just lacks the body to blend with anything.

Otherwise very nice indeed, good crafty bossa nova - borderline generic in the composition but the arrangement makes up for it. I really admire your style, very creative. I bet you'll go far, and it's not often that I say that to someone on here.

Would you like to give some of my stuff a listen maybe? I'm working on a String Quartet now and I'd really like your view on it.


This is grand! Wow. Great arrangement, and VERY VERY refreshing to hear some actual instruments, simply awesome that you are able to play all of them so well at your age. You should be way more known to the masses.

You did cheat a bit with the piano at the end hehe... think some pizzicatos might've gotten the same job done. But absolutely no need to nitpick here. Excellent, excellent.

Cool beans

Neat tune man, very frantic. Drum are nice, a little high-pitched for my liking, but great fills and percussive interludes.

"Main" synth theme (which it starts with) is pretty gorgeous and highly benefits from the background synth riffs later on. Only thing that I REALLY didn't like was that trance synth (C - Eb - F - Eb etc), though you glitched it up nicely. Might just be me, loathing everything that comes close to trance. I'm weird like that :)

You obviously strived to make it very diverse, it's almost rhapsodic. That's great though it becomes a little too inconsistent at times, especially towards the end where it could have used a little more oomph.

I understand how you think my Time For Bed is too boring, hehe.

Rated 5

chutzpah responds:

Earlier I was pissed that I wasn't getting reviews, but to get one review from someone like you and Carbo is way better 10 reviews from random people (no offense to Hangar18 who has no posts). And yeah I'm more into the Infected Mushrooms personally. Glad you liked it. Practically all my songs strive to be trance (whether or not thats how they come out) so thats kind of unfortunate for your opinion. I also implement a strong arabic influence and use a few scales that usually go along the lines of G Ab B C D Eb (not necessarily that key, but that same pattern). I like the sound but somtimes I end up with a (i don't know music terms but...) a kind of ragtime type of sound. Real discordant at times and melancoly, with a contradicting upbeat rhytm and harmony. Oh and nice word there... rhapsody. I gotta used that now... thats how a lot of my stuff sounds lately. Aye I think I've said more than enough now, but thanks for the review hope to check out more of this well renowned "WinTang" in the future.

o yea

Ace job, it's insane. Only not as insane as I think it might've been. I mean, if you're going to Bungle in an atonal sax solo, might as well do that occasional death metal riff. And fuck up the drums a bit more.
Considered that countered by the guitar part, the voxed coda, and your sweet British ass.

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

lalalalalalalalalaLALALALALALALALA. nah u were right the first time, needs more dmr's, oyb's and a few eyo's 'not allowed to practice their love with woman across the country'...wtf?


After completing my judging, allowing myself to be less picky again :)

Yeah, I really dig this kind of stuff, because it's so cunningly goofy! You have constructed some great patterns, here, that can alternate eachother quite virtuously (which they do) and this leads to a very diverse piece of track, tied together mostly by the drums. So good thing the drums are so consistent, although they could've been fancied up a notch by throwing in a little fill here and there.

I've just had an idee-fixe, this may be going totally nowhere, but bear with me:
When listening to unconventional music, the mind automatically searches for clear signs of dislike and it is only when there is nothing "negative" to think about it, that the mind opens itself to new possibly aesthetical values.

Because if this were true, I think the drums might've been the "negative" factor, the savior of the conservativity.

Otherwise well done, very cockily turning some of the most awful trance/techno synths I've ever heard into powerful tools!

Oh yeah, I write the darndest things.

Anyway, nice reviewing you again, consider this very fifened. See you around.

- The Tang

attemptedperfection responds:

aww, why does everyone pick on my horrible techno synths? :P
anyway, nice hearing from you again,
and thanks for the fifen!
...and the review, of course


WinTang is pleased to inform you that his MAC review is ready to be read right here: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=583031&page=14

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

Actor and composer


Joined on 7/9/04

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