View Profile WinTang

285 Audio Reviews

216 w/ Responses

Great work.

This is very cool indeed. I love the mood you create with just a piano, a choir and some heavy reverb :)
You gave it a very authentic touch, yet it stays very recognizable.
Not much else to say, it's short but very effective, very flash-worthy, and very good. Fifen, indeed.
Check out my Lower Norfair remix some time, if you like.

Distortzion responds:

Thnx :)

I shall check out your LN-remix sometime, cuz that's one of my favorite songs from SM :D

yrammus enil-eno

The format of this song is simply awesome, you dose the bleeps and buzzes very well. It never becomes irksome, and you manage to squeeze in several individual yet coherent melodies.

I suppose it's very hard to keep such a song going steady, especially when it clocks at almost 5 minutes. Yet there is only one point where I lose interest a little: around 2:15, the build-up gets a little too delayed, in my opinion. But the excitingness returns soon enough.

I think you could've done more with the backward voice sample, maybe a little scratch interlude or something.

The rhythm section is perfect, modest but steady beat and driving bass.

I say keep up the experimenting and see how far you can take things. Such imaginative composers are rare.

Would you care to review some of my audio?

Rucklo responds:

Cool you noticed that the build-up is getting delayed. I had two different versions for the "final" build, but i didn´t wanna remove one, so i tried this instead. Apparently it didn´t work, and now I know for sure :)

There were supposed to be quite some skratching in this song, but i tried it out, and it didnt feel righ. Of course I could have just put some breaks in the song, and single out a few instruments and make the skratching fit in, but... at the time skratching felt unnessecary and quite frankly wrong.
Glad ya liked most of the other parts of the song. Unfortuantley this song is long, and only 112 kbps. Also, i fkd up with mastering. I discovered after i submitted i could raise the volume 3-6 db (cant remember exactly how much) without changing the dynamics at all :S
I´m learning some new mastering plugs :)

Thaxn alot for the review, im on my way to your page!

Hey, you got a new one up! :)

And it's very nice, too.
It's cool how it seems to 'go somewhere', the little drum track suggests a pulse, the crescendi suggest the coming of a melody line. And then it doesn't happen. I picture some artist, sitting in a desert-type landscape, lots of wind, and he tries to make a song but whenever he comes up with a melody and sings it, it immediately gets taken by the wind and blown out of his memory.
Actually, that might give this tune some more diversity, if you'd add blurry shards of melodies that appear and disappear randomly. I think overall, the background could use some more 'sound static', it will definitely add to the feeling of desolace and give it a tad more spice.
I like that faint snare toward the end as well. I think qua percussion you don't really need to expand.
About our cd thing: I'm working on some remastered versions of the songs so it'll take a while longer before I send it, but eventually I will! In the meantime, I'm working on my next cd "Gospel for dummies". Just so ya know.

attemptedperfection responds:

Thanks for the review! I'll have to work my way over to your page to see what new tracks you have put up in the ages since I've been on... I'm back on dial-up for the summer, so I'm not online as often as I'd like...
Anyway, it's interesting how the idea of this track going somewhere or not keeps being brought up... you hit the nail right on the head by saying "and then it doesn't happen," because this intro track actually leads directly into the second track, overlapping some new rhythms over the last 20 seconds or so of the end, leading into the beginning of the first song... I'm actually rather pleased with how it's turning out...
Looking forward to hearing that cd, and thanks again for the review!


Was good for a laugh... the choir cracked me up :)
Not much else to say, these things get funnier when the music is more enjoyable. Make "Intelligent music about silly things" your motto and you might end up legendary.
Rounded up to 4/5. Don't thank me, thank the joint I had.

XDragonslayerX responds:

Lol thanks for the review. What exactly do you mean by more intelligent music? Just wonderin.


I hadn't reviewed any of your songs yet, so here goes one.

You did a good job on this one. Interesting composition, reminds me of SQUARE's game music (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger). It's leaning towards jazz, really.

Progress-wise I'm not completely satisfied though, I feel there's something missing. It just doesn't get completely full, if you get my meaning, the feeling that the song is at its peak after building up. This might be the mixing though, the parts could've blended a bit more smoothly.
Still, it's very interesting, definitely worthy of attention. 4/5

JesusSaves responds:

Thanks. Sorry for the delay in my response...I haven't been paying much attention to my music for a while. I'll be sure to drop you a review sometime.

A to the W to the E to the SOME to the NESS

You're totally awesome for submitting this music, that alone warrants a five-by. I'll get right on that.

If you wrote this yourself, congratulations, it sounds very tradional, so in that aspect you can compete with the best.
The performance is nearly flawless (I can hear some verrrry minor flaws in the flute, mainly in the solo part, but it sounds like it's damn fucking hard to play and I don't have a clue so WinTang is a nerd). And yes, that bodhran totally kicks ass.

(Lol, just when I thought "When is the guy going to get some air" the bagpipe stopped for a moment.)

What I really think you should do is see how you can fuse this with other styles. Not dance per se, that would probably be the most obvious choice, but how 'bout jazz? Or pop? How 'bout a Celtic version of the Zelda Overworld Theme? You can probably come up with much better ideas. I'm sure it would be a sight to see.

I'll be checking you out. And now I'm gonna vote 5 on all your songs.

Veel woorden.

Sorry everybody, I'm doing this in Dutch because I want to really consider my words this time :)

Laat ik even beginnen te zeggen dat ik - uiteraard - heel veel respect heb voor wat je hebt bereikt. Er is niets overdreven aan jouw populariteit, al is het natuurlijk zo dat een hoop artiesten het verdienen om net zoveel aandacht te krijgen, maar van mij zul je daar geen gezeik over horen.

Je beats en baslijnen zijn geweldig, de productie is vlekkeloos. Arrangementen zijn vindingrijk en afwisselend


Ik heb een probleem met de basisideeen. Daarmee bedoel ik eigenlijk: de feitelijke compositie. Als ik het heel recht voor z'n raap zeg (en waarom niet, aanbiddende reviews krijg je genoeg) komt het niet verder dan liftmuziek.

In dit geval bijvoorbeeld is het een kruising tussen de tune van Medisch Centrum West, en om het even welk nummer uit om het even welke Megaman game.
MCW is een soap en om in de stemming te komen moet er aan het begin even een blik goedkoop sentiment worden opengetrokken.
Megaman is een moeilijke platformer waarbij de muziek je moet opjutten en verder niet afleiden. Enige intelligentie in het harmoniseren is dus niet welkom en daardoor zijn de melodietjes en akkoordenschema's volstrekt inwisselbaar.

Ook bij jou krijg ik vaak het idee dat het melodische aspect er is omdat het er nou eenmaal moet zijn, dat je hebt afgeraffeld. Terwijl ik denk, nee, zeker weet dat je ook daar erg goede dingen mee kan doen. Dat deed je bijvoorbeeld wel in 'Airbass', en ook in dit nummer introduceer je met de overgang naar 12/8 een boeiend motiefje, maar je zet het niet door. En met het gabberstukje los je wat mij betreft de verwachting totaal niet in.

Je bent vrij om dit naast je neer te leggen, natuurlijk. Maar verdomme, je bent de 'leading man' van de AP en ik vind dat je het aan je stand verplicht bent om wat meer te experimenteren.

Dit is dus NIET om je af te zeiken, het zit me gewoon een beetje dwars. Het zou cool zijn als je hierop wilde reageren, nog cooler als je een kijkje wil nemen bij mijn muziek en een reviewtje achterlaten. Ik kan zeker veel van je leren.

Hey man

Thanks for your review on my "Hitler hacks LINUX", it is my habit to return reviews so here I am :)

This Cheesy Trance is indeed cheesy, but good nonetheless, however, I'd have liked a little more edges to it. The half-time part is very cool, but I'm losing interest toward the end, because, well, it's too cheesy... I'd say either you empty the entire can of Trance-cliches, or you provide us with a completely unexpected change of style - both would make it less predictable.

Still, a very good job, sound production is awesome and it's clear that you know what you're doing. 4/5

Jimbobsthebest responds:

This was a total experiment, but I thought I try and go for that cheesy trancy sound that seems to be popular. I know exactly what you mean by too cheesy, and yeah if I were to take this song seriously, i'd definitely add more too it.

Anyway thanks for the review.

Dear comedian,

I'm gonna say this one time and then be done with it:
No one thinks you're cool for submitting bullshit, so don't waste your time. The portal is full of good music, and I can understand you want to egotrip but it's just not going to work. Save yourself the disappointment.

Well dude, you did it again.

Excellent piece. Very energetic and dynamic, and it really rocks the fuck out toward the end, with all the swoopy noises and eerie strings providing a very capturing mood. And you didn't forget the dancability either - the beat is very solid, the bass is crunchy, and the "main theme" syncopates very catchily.

Maybe we could collab some time, e-mail me if you're up for it - my e-mail is in my profile. And um, in the meantime, check out my new song, Lower Norfair :)

5/5 easily on this one all the same.

dj-padman1 responds:

Collab sounds good! I'm not exactly experienced with Fruity Loops yet but I'm definately keen to see what we can achieve in concert!
Thanks for taking the time to review, you're remarks are most welcome and appreciated ;)
I wouldn't miss hearing your song for the world, but since I'm kind of sleep deprived at present, give me until tomorrow so I can give it some kind of justice.
I eagerly await :P

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

Actor and composer


Joined on 7/9/04

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