All right look
You can yell all you want, but the bottom line is that your flash is just not very interesting. It's very slow, there's no humor OR suspense to be found.
Example: the music builds up intensity, and Mario just stands there. Some grossly pixelated fireball things in the air at a SLOOOOW pace. This lasts very long, and then Mario jumps into a pipe. No action at all.
There are, as you probably know, a LOT of Mario flashes. Lots of them are original, funny, smooth. Yours isn't. So instead of whine about the bad responses, try to realize that you have a lot to learn and that the fact that your flash made it through the portal doesn't mean a lot. If you spend an hour at the portal, you'll see that only the most utter crap doesn't make it through.
Final things:
1. The more you call people retards in your responses, the more you come off as one yourself.
2. Flash by WinTang:
- none -
There, I did the copy and pasting for you. It doesn't make your flash any better.