It's been said...
...but the song doesn't live up to its intro.
Intro is nice, moody, hints to Moby (what was that song on Play? I think it was Machete), and seems to introduce some bad-ass, edgy techno stuff.
But then it goes into that happy theme and that might've been cool, if it was harmonized better.
I took the liberty of playing that theme on my piano, and now I can explain what makes it sound irky:
in the second bar, you have a D in the bass, and the chord feel is still Bb. In the melody, you play an Eb first, which really clashes with that D because of the semitone difference, and then you play the D in the melody. It is a general rule of the thumb that when you have the 3rd of a chord in the bass (so in this case, the D out of the Bb chord), you cannot have that note in the melody as well.
I hope that was clear, I'm not used to discuss music theory in English, but it may help you improve this tune if you're planning to.
Well, in conclusion, I think you're a very promising composer and I highly encourage you to experiment a lot and put it all up for review.
You're cool. But this gets a 3 :P