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I wouldn't worry about the mastering yet, what I would do is
a) have more fun while making audio, because out of your review responses it seems like you're pressuring yourself to get better in no time,
b) experiment with countermelodies: if you're using two synths, have them play different lines - in this case, the theme is ascending, so you might want to add a descending melody. Also, a syncopating bass line, that co-operates with the kick, works wonders.

Your beats are fine, I dunno if they're pre-made or anything but I don't really care, as long as it triggers you to be imaginative. Just keep submitting but I'd say make your stuff a little longer so there's more to talk about. Don't worry about your potential.

SpamWarrior responds:

a) yes i am pressurin myself, its probably a bad idea, but i fucked up a uni course due to not doing anything for a year, and feel like i need to catch up with my own life
b)i'm using at least 5 synths, previous incarnation used 13 or so, so i'm learning SOMETHING. Each one is aimed at counter melodys, ie up n down octaves, tho i probably do not make it complex enough in the right places.

Chords dont seem to fit nicely to the bassline yet, they sound funny and fuck it up.

There is supposedly a kind of syncopated morphing bass sound, thats taken me 4 days to find, but clearly i've fucked up there :( Thats the problem with listenin to your own loops on repeat, do it too often under the influence and you start to only hear what you want to hear. I hope that day never comes for you.

I'll take the beats as a half compliment as i wrote them myself in the redrum, but i've not touched the finer dynamics of it, just tried makin a decent rough beat.

I agree, i really want to write longer bits, and they'll come to me, but i'm tryin to work out all the sounds at the mo and how they bend each other :S
When i know reason, then i'll relax.
Lol, is there a moral message in there somewhere?

Thanks for the honest review. It is appreciated.


Beautiful guitar sound! You're still a great player - what makes you special is that you have a great feel for atmospheric arranging. This is very resigned and melancholic, but still uplifting and even catchy, in a way :)
Again the drums are a bit of a weak point though... it sounds like you are playing them directly from a keyboard - if so, you should experiment with sequencing them one way or another.
But the composition is great, my favotite part is the part where you ascend on the lower string and continue playing the open high strings. It's distorted, yet transparent. Very well done.

pitbulljones responds:

cheers yet again wintang, your a true hero, up there with rucklo for honesty and critiqing. Cheers for the compliment, ido like to create a good atmosphere, helps to portay a mood.

the drums are straight from fruityloops, i've decided to ditch my samples and slicing for the creation of my own, and yea it does sound like theyre off a keyboard, very midi-ish, i'll have to have a look at how i can change em, find some more fitting sounds. the tune is simple, ive gigged this with just me singer before with no effects or anything and it's always got a gud reception, sometimes simplicity works.

Thanks yet again.


Impulse Tracker rocks! I use it all the time.

What you made here is very interesting. Good, original harmonies. It builds up very slow, but that fits the mood perfectly. As kingbastard already said, it's a grower.

I don't know if you're still active, but if you are, check out some of the things I made in IT and if you like it, contact me sometime. We may be able to provide each other some samples or even make a song together.

Anyway, 5/5.

porksoda responds:

I'll check it out and let ya know :)
thanks for the kind review


Another interesting project :)
I agree with the snare being out of place - but it would probably help a lot if you'd just decrease its volume a bit.
What I think you should do is just add more chaotic synthiness, have them counter each other in rhythm rather then melody. Use a pitch range of several octaves. Aim for insanity but keep the drums steady.
Just a suggestion, but it's a good one :)
4/5, but I've a feeling the complete version will get full score... notify me when it's done!

itsameyayo responds:

I'll do so! Yeah, this is for a job, so you'll most likely hear the full version later on. Thanks for the good review!


Submit more stuff!

Hi! As promised, a review for you. Very late.

I really like how you experiment with percussive synths, and mix a classically based chord structure with ambient elements.

But a big con is that you parallelly harmonized the melody with perfect 4ths (E-F-G with A-Bb-C). Since the perfect 4th is a dissonant interval, that makes it sound very choppy, and overall, not very pretty... so what I would do is experiment with a countermelody rather than transposing the original melody - not only because it will work better, but also because it will tickle your imagination further.

Anyway, submit more stuff - I guarantee you that you will go far if you just experiment a lot and have others shine their light on it. It works for me, I get better with every helpful review.

I'll see you on MSN then? :)

4/5 on this one.

LoneInstrumentalist responds:

^_______________^ ur critique very helpful :)

i'll see if i can get acid running again, or work wif fl, lately i gave up....

and very sorry for delays in answering (rare) reviews, been studying like a b!......for the exams

happy composing! :) i'll see wat i can do (will be quite time consuming thou, dont expect anything soon from me...)

cheerios~ love u all supporters!

It's been said...

...but the song doesn't live up to its intro.

Intro is nice, moody, hints to Moby (what was that song on Play? I think it was Machete), and seems to introduce some bad-ass, edgy techno stuff.
But then it goes into that happy theme and that might've been cool, if it was harmonized better.

I took the liberty of playing that theme on my piano, and now I can explain what makes it sound irky:
in the second bar, you have a D in the bass, and the chord feel is still Bb. In the melody, you play an Eb first, which really clashes with that D because of the semitone difference, and then you play the D in the melody. It is a general rule of the thumb that when you have the 3rd of a chord in the bass (so in this case, the D out of the Bb chord), you cannot have that note in the melody as well.
I hope that was clear, I'm not used to discuss music theory in English, but it may help you improve this tune if you're planning to.

Well, in conclusion, I think you're a very promising composer and I highly encourage you to experiment a lot and put it all up for review.

You're cool. But this gets a 3 :P

itsameyayo responds:

No!!! Reputation of 4/5 ruined!!!

-Lol, jk, but yeah, I just plan on getting better with every song I do, it's a fresh start everytime to what I know.

Thanks much!



Whoa dude, how do you manage to get such a load of reviews?! ;)

Ironically, though you're a very skilled drummer the only part where this song lacks is in the rhythm section - the snare is too soft and I miss a prominent bass.

That aside, it is very uplifting, diverse, and you came up with nice fills, even in some unexpected places! The marimba melodies are ace.

Very well done. I saw you were getting more samples, that'll really benefit you. Feed that creativity :)

And wtf dude u 4got 2 5en meh! Go back and undo the damage! Pfft.

itsameyayo responds:

I thought I did fiven : (

-Sorry, I sware I did, but I'll see what I can do, eh?

-Yeah, I'm more into peacefull techno, if it can be called that, lol. Yeah, a follower of the marimba! My pool of people gets bigger! Muahahaha!

-(cough cough), well then, how I get so many reviews? I review people like you, and have them do the same for me, that's all. It works nicely, as you can see.

Thanks for the review!



...but repetitive. This really needs expansion. Beat is awesome, all the synths blend together perfectly, now it is simply begging for some melody and dynamical build-up.
The way it is now though, it can serve as a loop for a flash game or something. I just think you can get way more out of it if you dig into your imagination :)

SpamWarrior responds:

Yeah cool man, i did have plans when i first wrote it. It was meant to be breakbeat style dnb, but when i put all the synths together n pressed play this is what i got :S I'll get it properly one day. Ta for your review mate, n nah i dont think you've ripped off aphex, i just associate creativity with aphex :)

Great work.

This is very cool indeed. I love the mood you create with just a piano, a choir and some heavy reverb :)
You gave it a very authentic touch, yet it stays very recognizable.
Not much else to say, it's short but very effective, very flash-worthy, and very good. Fifen, indeed.
Check out my Lower Norfair remix some time, if you like.

Distortzion responds:

Thnx :)

I shall check out your LN-remix sometime, cuz that's one of my favorite songs from SM :D

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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