Pros and cons
Sorry about the lame review summary line.
That said, I once more immediately fall in love with the atmosphere of the song. That Björk-Homogenicesque beat and the RadioheadKidAesque synth and NintendoMetroidesque sizzling and buzzing make short work of introducing the song.
But then, the song advances into a far inferior part where the beat diminishes and RKAesque synth reaches a totally insignificant duo-voiced melody, only to return to the howzamagunnacallitoyeaiknow "Main theme". To eventually reach the next part which is very nice.
In my opinion, you should replace that part (if you can figure out whichever the hell I'm yabbing (is that even a word?) about) with that other part. And then build to a more powerful climax.
Christ, I hope you understood at least half of that. I'm so very stoned.
Long story even longer: I lovingly embrace your style and this one in particular, but I really feel you can get twice more out of the idea if you just take some real risks. Shock the listener who was just about to adjust to your style!
But your music enjoyed me most of every artist I've listened to here. Also, great big thanks for reviewing some of my songs. Do more if you'd like, especially the ones with vox and/or guitar, I hold your reviews in high respect.
No, really.
Yeah, I'm getting out of here.