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Great job on this! Reminds me of Mogwai and Sigur Ros a lot (hopefully you consider that to be a good thing). I love these reverse effects. A whoppin' 5 man.

pitbulljones responds:

nice one mate, nice one. that is a compliment i take very highly, and i'll wear that with pride, n a lil trick with the reverse effects, a tip i picked up a while ago, reverse your track eg the guitar on this, apply a lush reveb with early reflections, then reverse your track again so u hav reverse reverb, the affect is really good on guitars, synths, strings and vocals. u can also apply fx as the same way. anyways thanks for listening.

Very interesting piece.

What exactly is Bodhran? I've never heard of it. This reminded me a lot of Underworld, mainly because of the jazzy Rhodes motive.

Anyway, it's very cool and your parts work very well and original together. The guitar is a little off-tune though (tuned too low), and the drums are a bit too soft and need a deeper beat.

When that intro thingee kicks in again, it gets really beautiful. Well done. A high 8/10 and 5/5 because it deserves a way higher rating.

Check out some of my stuff too!

Triskele responds:

Bodhran is the traditional Irish drum...info can be found at http://www.ceolas.org/instruments/bodhran/

Anyways, thanks for the review. I really like that ambient track, and I thought it was cool to re-introduce it into the piece later on.

I'll look at remixing it as well, to see if I can get the drums louder and w/out distortion

Cheers :D

Make it heavier than fuck

The riff is cool, and played very tightly, good job.
I found the drum fills annoying though, mostly because they delay a bit. And you should add some manner of bass, even if it's synthed it will already make it sound twice as phat.
Now go rock the fuck on.

ManSpider responds:

Thanks alot mate. I've been thinking about using synth bass lately. Unfortunately I can't look into it right now because my soundcard is fooked and I can't record anything :-(
Thanks for the review man.

It's 6/8!! :P

Finish this! It's very promising. Nice chords, inventive syncopation. Excellent introduction, now it needs to progress a lot.

LJCoffee responds:

Oh, I'd love to finidh it! - But I'll need to re-create it. The original work files were lost a while back when my pc crashed... :(

I'll revisit this soon enough though.

No, sorry

I couldn't really appreciate this.

It was too predictable and too linear (with which I mean that left and right hand don't contrast - they parallelly move up and down), and it streched too long.

If the chords are this basic, you have to come up with a noteworthy melody.

Your playing is okay but don't hesitate to be experimental.

I hope this helps you improve, your other song rules! I'll round the 5/10 up to 3/5 for encouragement :)

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks, that in it self was kind of experimental anyways. I'm more of a drummer trying to develop other instrument skills.

-Thanks for the review!


If as I suspect you drummed this yourself, I tip my hat to you.

I love how it haunts and freaks out, with the weird disharmonies and that clank-clank on the background, it could have been one of those weird instrumentals from the Dillinger Escape Plan.

I think you should take this much further, make it longer and build up some fucking chaos there!

For example, add another moog-y sound that plays something in a staccato melody that goes against the beat. Mix shards of incomprehensible spoken texts into the song. Not exactly that, per se, but the kind of stuff that make music seem to repel its listener.

4/5 and keep up the good stuff!

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks, but I deleted the song file, which now sucks, but there's nothing I can do about that...oh well, I've got at the least one other drum and bass song ready to submit later.


The orchestration is top-notch, as is the production. The string section is very warm. The instruments for the countermelodies are well-chosen.

Composition-wise, though, I can see why you called it "generic". After the mol-dur in the beginning of the theme, I feel it kinda mudders along. I would've liked a B-section or something in a mediant key, to escape the predictability. I've heard you do better.

4/5 because it's still very pleasing to the ears.

Khuskan responds:

I made this track quite a while back, about the time I released LPDM. I never got round to writing a B section, and I coulnd't get anything to come to me, so I quickly looped it over and submitted.

Generally speaking, anything for another submission :-)

My next track will be like Exaggurate. Promise.

Needs more work

If this is supposed to be finished, it's severely lacking structure. The synth you're using sounds too bland on its own, and choices in volume, polyphon/unison and arpeggiated accompaniment seem to appear and disappear totally randomly.
There are some nice ideas, and you got the melody right, but it truly comes over silly.
My advice is to work with more tracks, and think in lines. Build up tension. Make a good intro and a solid ending. Good luck. 2/5

nopoleon responds:

i am new at making zelda music

Front page!!


Although, I consider this one of your weaker songs. I'm getting pickier. If this was from someone I never heard before, I'd rate it higher - but I know you can do a better job.

I liked the beginning much, but after that I found it didn't really progress. I've listened to it a few times, and yes there are some nice lil' melodies, background samples and whatnot intertwining again, but I think that too many of the samples are corny, that the beat doesn't blend well with the bass part, and that you injected too many ideas without letting them fully come to bloom.

I hope the people who jumped to this from the front page will check out your other stuff, like "Sleep deprivation", now that's a good song!


attemptedperfection responds:

If only more people had your taste in music, I'd probably have sold a cd or two by now... I'm not sure what samples you're talking about, though... I think the only actual sampling I did was my drumset, and that part is basically inaudiable in this mix, so I'm assuming you meant something else...
Unfortunately, I highly doubt that a song like "Sleep Deprivation" will ever make the front page. It's just a bit too "out-there" for most people.
Thanks for the review!

Okay listen

I am not, as you suggested in your response to "When you DIE!" voting 0 on all your songs. I don't know where you got that.

I rated that song a 3, and probably voted accordingly - a 2 probably. That's what the rating system was intended for, believe it or not. The review system is for constructive criticism and I gave you that as well. I wasn't "bitching", I told you things you should work on in my opinion. If you don't see the difference, you should stop submitting here. K? K. Let's try one more time.

This song, I think it's decent but I really think you should use your imagination way more. Assuming you did this by ear, you have a talent for recreating parts of music, but the beats you come up with sound clumsy. Try making them sound more smooth.

Come up with some parts of your own as well. Please feel free to rape the original song into something that you felt was necessary to make. Experiment and learn along the way. The video game remixes I heard from you are pretty much interchangeable.

Well. We'll see how it goes. And please feel free to listen to and rate some of my stuff. But no 0's.

mariomusicmaker1 responds:

i never 0. and vary sorry for blaming you.. i will drop you some 4-5 cuz ur stuff is realy good! and all your reviews are good but one that is good. other ppl just give me 0s in reviews because they think i use mid's. soo gay... but ne way dont want to fight bla bla bla... review more but be nice and so will i and not blame u ne more.

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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