Zeroed by cunts. Fived by happy cunts.
As it happens I've just been enjoying some well-crafted dutch White Widow weed (www, l0lz), and I couldn't have picked a better state of mind to listen to this new tune of yours.
I have to hit Backspace way too much tho.
Anywho, one of your most simplistic tracks, somehow it works wonders. The title is almost as good as the time I came up with "Birthdays of people you're not particularly interested in". :D
It has the Sigur Ros and Mogwai elements all over again, the glassy synth, the shards of flanger, the monotonous muffled drums, the arpeggiated overdriven guitar. Also made me think of Grandaddy btw.
But enough comparisons, the song is definitely an original pitbulljones, it makes me see things, and stuff. Lol. I crack myself up sometimes.
Not the best you've ever done composition-wise, but a great exercise in pure atmosphere.
I really can't think of anything useful to say, I keep making paragraphs and they don't ever seem to end properl
Here's a five and go check on my new tune, which I think is pretty good.