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Whoa! Nice surprise! I love the original, and it's not that well-known, but I know it through and through, and you did an excellent job on it. Lots of detail in the transcription, and awesomely performed.
Notify me when you get the rest up!

Btw I actually found this because I was checking ZeroVoter's music reviews... the little douchebag's voted 0 on some pretty good tracks :)


WuSchell responds:

thanks for the review! i've got a "minor" update there. its just some detail improvement and about 3 additional bars ^^


Hey man, you seem to be submitting on sort of a regular basis again - awesome!

I'm loving the smoothness. I'm also loving the fact that you are capable of COMPOSING, rather than PUTTING SOME SHIT TOGETHER, which is sort of a rarity around here. Everything sounds thought through and thought through some more.

It's a bit Moby-esque, in the "two chords sounding good with each other can carry an entire song as long as I add and remove elements all the time" and while that does go a pretty long way, I feel the icing on the cake would've been an actual lead. The piano (sounding great and very atmospheric btw) seems to counter a melody that is not there.

That aside, the production is wonderful, the whole thing is very coherent and a joy to listen to. Synths syncopating against each other and a very groovy yet modest beat are all things that I adore.

Hope you'll swing by my page again sometime, you helped me along greatly a few months ago and you might like my new stuff...

LaymanLove responds:

yea, I've been able to squeeze in some time around work to finish up a few things. I'm not sure I thought as much as felt. I kinda just let it roll and did what felt right.

I can see the reference to moby. For some reason it makes me think of bittersweet symphony...minus the colassal greatness.

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the review! I'll check ya soon.


Flawless mastering, that's all I'm gonna say.

Love ya.

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

i agree, sounds like a commercial release straight up u should be signed mate
hehe haha hoho


To use your own words: cheeky as hell. Love that teasy bassline.
Really fun!

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

fun and bass mate. pucka pies yourself

Good, mate.

All good, all good. Nice ambience and good choice to not use drums, that would've taken away a lot of the subtlety.

Great instrumentation again, mastering is flawless as far as I can tell.

Only thing is, it doesn't feel as "fresh" as some of your other tunes to me. Might be because I've heard a lot of your stuff, but I don't consider you an artist I'd get bored with
What I think you should do is experiment a little, mainly dynamically. You are developed far enough in your style to pull off some surprises without ruining your overall sound.

One tiny example is that the melody thingy descends the same way as the pads - you can add excitement just by choosing inversions for the chords so basically it's harder to tell what's happening.

As a background for a movie, or an interlude on a CD, this is fine, but as a song there's still some terrain to win on this one.

Btw, I'm really stuck getting a mix right on a little punky choon in Cubase and I hope you'll be able to help me. Hope you are on MSN later tonite.


pitbulljones responds:

Hey 'tang wassup.thanks for the review mate. yea i agree with you on the drums mate, i was gonna put some in but i left em out as they just didnt sit right. must bethe first time ive evcer got a positve comment on mastering, thanks mate.

Hmmm not as fresh a track, to some extent i agree with you, other ways i don't. I think your right in that i need to play with the dynamics of tracks, the one thingi don't have is knowledge of music and neither the initiative to do so. I just have an ear lol i don't even know what inversions are mate seriously.

Yea it'd score a film or something pretty well, i may come bck to this or i cud send you the project file if you have the appropiate vsti's and you could have a play at it and improve it.

yea sporry about that the other day, i was out and i had about have dozen messages from you needing help. sorry again.

Thanks for your reveiw and honest comments, its what i love about you.


Way to go.

I wouldn't call this classical, it's more of a pop tune, but anyway, nice work on your first actual song.

In the solo drum part, I can hear that it's a (premade) loop because there's a slight gap before it starts over again, if you'd add a little delay on the drums you could easily fix that.

I liked the touch with the bass, but it could've used way more of that. Due to the lack of variation in the piano (again, it's like 3 or 4 different loops, which you may or may not have made yourself) and the constant dynamics, this doesn't actually cut it as a song, it leaves me craving for some new instruments and/or different grooves.

Nice effort though, keep up the fight :)


ronweasly21 responds:

Lol, Piano Did make myself, and the drum solo wasnt a slicey Job...
Alas, Thanks for your feedback, what you saying is more depth? alrighty ho, thanks again.


Damn it, this did it. I absolutely fucking adored this. I'm gonna download it and shut up.

A highly aroused five out of five.

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

...shhhh, don't speak


Nah, it's great.

The beginning wasn't my favorite, a little bit too uhm, mushy, seems to serve little purpose but to trick people into believing the whole track will consist of arpeggios that make no apparent harmonic sense :P
I love that sentence I just typed.


it becomes very, very adorable after that. Kickass beat and swell vocals. Lovely jazzage in the rhodes chords, gives it a lot of melancholy and makes it lean a little towards Portishead - good thing IMO.

Yeah, lovely track again. You really have a great arsenal of instruments and use them really well. Post some lyrics in your reply though, I'm really curious what the hell you're singing about :)

5, download. Check my new track out too.

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

respec the tjeerd,
for the record i hate that sentance...
lyrics -

i thought i told u not to put that up ur nose
coz 1 day u'll start flying

(the voice of drugs)-
good to see y'all here
i see y'all walkin around
i've seen y'all b4 now
and i can gaurantee i'll see y'all again

no matter what i say
i'll see u there again x4

through my hardened eyes i see, the glaze on one, crab hands on another
interspaced rushes, good vibe, no hushes
this i can love but the grab is one that i can't abide
if clocks weren't there and all societies cages
think about the image and what it so implies
travels would be undertaken daily, bonds formed strongly


u know just where ur headed next
balcony, a street, just not on me
and it don't matter to us anyway
if i lean on u, just lean on me

i'd just like to say er
thankyou all for coming errr
hope u had a good time
got really fucked
and errrr yeah

jesus christ i'm flying
no i ain't lying
pupils dilated like gates to hades
gief my shadeys
and pass my hat and my tie
i'm ready to hit the floor
so come and laugh at the fool
who's sketching out like a tool

and join me if u please
and don't u call the police
coz no 1 needs that when they're spooning out
so pass my hat and my tie
i'm ready to hit the floor
so come and laugh at the fool
who's sketching out like a tool

out of my way if u would


Zeroed by cunts. Fived by happy cunts.

As it happens I've just been enjoying some well-crafted dutch White Widow weed (www, l0lz), and I couldn't have picked a better state of mind to listen to this new tune of yours.

I have to hit Backspace way too much tho.

Anywho, one of your most simplistic tracks, somehow it works wonders. The title is almost as good as the time I came up with "Birthdays of people you're not particularly interested in". :D

It has the Sigur Ros and Mogwai elements all over again, the glassy synth, the shards of flanger, the monotonous muffled drums, the arpeggiated overdriven guitar. Also made me think of Grandaddy btw.

But enough comparisons, the song is definitely an original pitbulljones, it makes me see things, and stuff. Lol. I crack myself up sometimes.

Not the best you've ever done composition-wise, but a great exercise in pure atmosphere.

I really can't think of anything useful to say, I keep making paragraphs and they don't ever seem to end properl

Here's a five and go check on my new tune, which I think is pretty good.

pitbulljones responds:

haha a stoner review, brilliant. i don't think i can take much from that review tbh but i think you liked the track XD sigur ros and mogwai again hmmmmm possibly, not so much as on others tho. anyways thanks for the 5.



Excellent idea and worked out very nice. The 10 phrases are easily remembered and recognized, and apart from a few pretty blunt pitch changes they follow each other smoothly.

It's true that the repetitiveness is inherent to the format you're using, but I'd say this can really go places if you apply more pi-rules to different musical elements.
For example, dynamics: you could have 3 phrases piano, 1 phrase fortissimo, 4 phrases mezzoforte, 1 phrase pianissimo, 5 phrases forte, etc. You could put accents, staccatos, whatever, all following pi.

The greater the conceptual virtuosity, the livilier the piece will become. This might just be the blueprint for something legendary, if you put enough thought into it you can easily make it last 20 minutes and every note will be exciting

Khuskan responds:

I'm seriously loving your dynamics idea. I'm inspired to take this and compose it for orchestera using a similar idea to that, maybe even steming off into time or playing style. The only problem that i'm having at the moment, and the cause for the 'blunt pitch changes' is geting all the parts to merge together but yet still be playable by the performer. Theres some pretty extreme jumps in there already - difficult yet not impossible.

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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