View Profile WinTang

216 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Hey ap, I sincerily hope you haven't forsaken the NG Audio Community - things are starting to look up for artists like you lately. There's a smoothly running Audio Contest system - Rucklo implemented that - and it's really tightening the bonds between the APists... you might just come somewhat closer to the recognition you deserve.

This track is great. It's groovy and laid-back, lo-fi and catchy, simple and clever, goofy and sophisticated.
I love everything about it.

Keep up the efforts, I'll be interested even if no one else is - promise.

Hope to see you around!

attemptedperfection responds:

I'm still around :P
thanks for the comments!


What the hell is up with this "kinda good for a female on Newgrounds"? Jesus, have you people ever SEEN a girl before?

Anyways, welcome, and good job on this first submission. It's quite energetic and has lots of funny bleeps and noises.
It does go a little all over the place sometimes, intertwining melodies clash a bit here and there and you can't seem to decide on what beat to use :)
It also lacks a bit in the bass department, the rhythm section never really got my head moving, but that's a matter of experimenting a bit more...

Lol, what is up with those hi-hats way at the end of the song? That was certainly unexpected...

Well good job, keep at it, and let's see how you'll fit in between all the horny AP boys + Chronamut, the flamboyant self-proclaimed gay god!

Sexy-Jess88 responds:

hi WinTang, thx for dropping by! lol, I hope I can fit in..just think of me as one of 'the guys' :P ... I REALLY appreciate the support so far from everyone and thx heaps for your nice review.
Gotta boost the bass maybe? It kept on distorting so I turned it down! guess i went too far..I'll try and make the rhythm better in future so important for a dance track!!!

Going good :)

Very nice my man, you're definitely making progress in this stuff. I remember now that I still promised you to play a version of Waltz no 5... I'll hopefully get on that soon.

You're gaining variety, and

A few points... (this is assuming you're still using Noteworthy Composer)

In the intro, the sustain pedal kinda clogs up the notes together - in this case, it might've been better to use the 'slur' feature. This is also the case for the part where the left hand repeats chords every quarter note, it sounds kinda choppy there. Basically, you make phrases with that function, so it'll also greatly benefit the right hand. It makes everything way more legato. Also, try to work with the accents more. It'll all be translated very nicely to VSTs and immediately makes it sound more genuine.

Be careful that the right-hand melody doesn't muddle along too much, at certain points I found myself mainly listening to its rhythm because the notes seemed kinda all over the place :). Keep in mind that in pieces like this, that stick to a rhythmical pattern for a long time, the melody should really be something special. Consider every note carefully!

Anyway, it's cool dude, you're getting there. Keep it up!

MusicalRocky responds:

Hey, man. Lol don't worry about my Waltz no. 5...don't feel obligated or anything.

I know what you mean about the pedal clogging up the notes, but I kinda wanted the pedal in there. I think the mess-up is just I held the pedal for too long. For full measures at least. So everything was kinda of mushed up because the beginning is Largo. I don't know if slurring the notes would give me the sound I want. Not sure which part you're talking about with the repeating chords in quarter notes with the left hand. I know what you mean about the accents, I didn't particularly pay much attention to it in this piece.

I now feel badly because with this piece I didn't focus on the melodic line lol. That may have been a big mistake. I'll keep your melodic advice in mind for later pieces.

Thanks, man. I'm glad you liked it. Your review was really helpful.


Yep, truly Mogwai and Sigur Ros stuff :), and a little Philip Glass even!

Arbiter is right about the clipping, it also seems like it loops a few ms before it should, but I consider that a minor inconvenience, it's really about the whole soundscape that it leads into.

It sounds refreshingly unpolished, lo-fi if you will, without leaving the impression that the quality of your equipment led to that!

It's wonderfully done man - I can predict it will not get the recognition it deserves, because it just washes over you. However, I know that it takes a lot of craft to maintain the consistency needed for that, so hats off to you man.

The only thing that didn't seem totally appropriate was the wide panning on the drums, mainly the cymbals seemed to come loose from the mix a bit. Perhaps lower the volume a bit on those hi-hats.

Otherwise, I loved it. Download, 5/5. Good luck on MAC6 August!

pitbulljones responds:

cheers wintang for the review. again as i mentioned to arbiter i havent got a clue why it's clipping, unless it's the midi to audio conversion. I dobn't know where this lo-fi quality has come from either, it could be becasue when i sequenced it in cubase i did it in midi sequencer rather than normal project and so it routed all the audio to a buss instaed of stereo out.

Im glad you enjoyed the track and i take your comments on board about the drums too.




Cool stuff man...
Did you sing them yourself? I don't recognize them as such from the song... if so, great job, if not, great job still because it's a worthwile addition.

I again love the randomness and all that, though I think this started off a wee bit too fragmentaric. Lots of nice samples and sounds are introduced but it tends to become a little bland until the "May your sky be rolled up like a scroll, may your blue moon drip with blood". After which it really picks up into awesome ambient/native/jungle crossoverness.

The last part, after what seemed like a boy yelling something in Spanish or Portuguese, was truly ace. The distorted vocal rap/growl thing was really, really cool against that repetitive beat. Pure gold man, seriously. Pat(ton) on the back!

I think we should make a track together sometime! If you'd like that, e-mail or PM me, we can probably work something out :)

5/5 and dl man, you're a great find to me! Keep it up!!

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

yo the tang,
i did do the vox myself but it sounds more or less the same as they do in the track 'goodbye sober day', near the end of the track.
yeh, first half is a little wishy washy.
the end section was a lot of fun, nothing quite like jumping around ur bedroom screetching into the mic. don't think that part goes down too well with most people tho.
anyway, thanks for listening

crack fwizzle and so on

Whoa man, this is awesome!

It's the first song I'm hearing from you, but it's wonderful, I love how the track a) doesn't give a crap about conventional songwriting b) doesn't give a crap about conventional production and c) seems to be all about not giving a crap!!

It's random, but well thought out randomness and that's the only random with artistic value. Plus it's transparent, I can hear everything that goes on. You made it so that I don't get lost in the randomness, I can just swim around in it :)

Oh man and I loved the guitar. Don't that be the best instrument ever, a guitar?

Sorry man, all tens :)
Heard any Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3 or Frank Zappa? Check them out, I think that for example Mr. Bungles tune "Desert search for Techno Allah" will appeal to you...

Keep it up! Once I finish my MAC6 July reviewing spree I'll be back soon to check out more of your stuff, in the meantime, you're free to do the same to mine :)

5/5 obviously

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

*weep, 'somebody understands me!!!' lol.
no seriously, this is a review that i love. u seem to appreciate the not giving a crapness in a lot of my music. i think ur bungle appreciation gives u a good standpoint to enjoy this track, and yes i know well the cheifs and bungle. and 'desert search... 1 of my favourite tracks in the world. have u heard the album 'california'? if u have then u'll recognise the vocals in the middle of rapture 2012 from goodbye sober day. i sahre a certain musical sensibility with mr bungle that a lot of people find hard to swallow but i can see u have a wide aesophagus. will check some of ur stuff
peas and crisps,


Normally I don't review this type of music, but participating in the MAC6 July makes you part of my reviewing spree. So here goes:

Apart from the generic nature of the genre, you have applied some cliches in a pretty innovative way. Which gains you my respect for autonomically manipulating the style so that it becomes your own, not just a rip-off of, I dunno, DJ Tiesto or something (forgive if I'm totally talking out of my ass).

That leaves the following gripe though: the samples and synths you're using are really, really corny, lol. It's the 90s all over again - Maxx, 2Unlimited, Aqua etc. Sugary, ear-pleasing, toybox synths... they really make it hard for me to see this as a mature dance song, save for a few moments of boldly attacking the listener's ears. :)

Another thing is that I think the bassdrum is too muffled, and the snare does not so much provide a semi-strong beat as an, admittably cozy, 'sssh' sound.

Sorry for picking this apart so, I just think you can get a looooooot better if you escape from the clutches of a dance culture that bloomed too long ago... You may as well disregard what I'm saying if you're happy with the way it is, after all, it's already very popular.

Anyway, good endeavors to you!

Flashburn responds:

well I appreciate the reviews from all of you, criticism is good.

Not a bad effort man.

The bad news is that I have no idea what's going on, mainly due to the bad recording - if only I could keep track of the drums, I would not be as bothered by the overall screechiness.

The good thing is that it's obvious that there's a lot of creativity to this song, so make improving your mastering your top priority and in a few months you just might be submitting legendary metal crazes!

Don't give up,

darkkloud responds:

thanks wintang, im starting to get the hang of the mastering a bit, so they should b geting better.


I don't really care for this kind of music but it's extremely well done. The whole build-up, the steady groove, the synths and sounds, the mastering, it's all very professional and catchy. Great.
I especially liked the beginning where the theme was structured into 3 bars rather than the usual 4.
Keep it up!
(And don't act weird on the forums :P)

Haiasi responds:

Saint still wont talk to me lol...

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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