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216 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Combined with my patented strong coffee, this got me started for the day.

'nuff said? 'nuff said. Eat my five :)

DarKsidE555 responds:

I shall eat it with pure joy! :)

Thanks WinTang! :D

My review essay

"I can't give you anything more than a 5 though, because I don't have the extra voting buttons that everyone else seems to have :P"
That cracked me up.

Hahaha I've had this on repeat for a while now, it's awesome. Very clever, the main thing moves in 3 bars instead of the usual 4, like that a lot!
The lead thing is very cheesy and done very well, but I feel that when that other riff returned, it should've climaxed more. You might've added some galloping palm mutes there, or something. Or not.
And that kick really is annoyingly loud. I like it!

If Ace of Base had ever touched a guitar, they might've not sucked that hard. Thanks for showing that to the world. Good luck on the contest!!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

hahaha...thanks alot for the review, man! I didn't spend very long on this at all..maybe an hour or two. But I agree..a galloping palm muted outro would have been awesome. If anyone wants to use this...I would gladly change it.
So thanks again for an awesome review! Good luck to you as well.\m/

You're definitely on the right tracks!

Hey man, WinTang again :)

It's really funny to hear where you've taken this idea. It's full of nice ideas. Agent Smith was timed very nicely, good job, and also that kettle whistle was golden. The beat is nice with those weird drums (like hitting an oil container) and quite catchy.

It doesn't sound mature enough yet to me though. That C-Bb-C-Db-C motive tries a little to hard to sound mean, while the samples don't have much body (a sampled nylon guitar?). There also seems to be no real bass and that might just be what this track needs to really leave an impact.

Also, you often introduce a sound or melody that last for 4 or 8 bars and then never returns - try fitting them together more, it will really benefit the overall feel of a build-up.

I did enjoy this however, I don't wanna be harsh or anything, but hey, you've got at least 25 all-10-reviews for this so you probably can take a hit :)

Keep at it! 4/5

itsameyayo responds:

Lol, yeah, it can take a hit, hehehe.

So, all these good ideas, I would need help with them, 'cause they all sound good, and I'm remixing this song, so I need some help on the song. Contact me, it's in my profile : )


Ho hum

Dude it's good to see you're submitting again :)

I gave this track a bunch of listens because I had some problems with it man, to be honest. It starts out incredibly promising (this time I think you even found the exact same synth Mogwai uses in "Boring machines disturbs sleep" - ghehehe). Lovely spacey sound effects, which aren't annoying at all - Deflektor is wrong!! lol

Continuing its slow build-up towards the entrance of (very effective) guitar and (excellent) beat, it was very exciting. After that, I felt it started muddling. You proceeded to throw in a new guitar lead which was very nice, but it really needed a break or two. You know, pause the beat and fiddle a bit with the mixing volumes. I didn't want to, but I started losing interest at some point.

That also ruined the ending for me - I can see what you were aiming for with that hiccuping guitar :) but it would've worked better if I'd have the feeling that the song had just had its climax.

I basically loved all the elements of it though, it just didn't stick in my mind. In general, I really admire the direction you're going and that's why I'm picky... ah well, I'm sure you understand.

Keep at it, I will happily listen to and review whatever you come up with, so keep notifying me!

pitbulljones responds:

hey mate, this is the first review that you've actually come across as disappointed woith my out put, or more just frustrated at what it could (and will) be.

I totally agree with you about the need for some deviation in this track, i know the eaxact point where it needs it too. i'll be working on it over the weekend and probably post a mk2 soon. i admire your honesty wintang and it's this honesty which will help to really push this track forward. it has a template of being gud but i knowwhat youmean.

no pobs bud, thanks for the review.



Oh so goofy :)

Really it's admirable that you try to throw away all the basic conveniences that determine music nowadays, hahaha...

Seriously though, it needs to be way more structured. It seems like you just randomly threw some synth lines together and the result would've always been good to you... it is my personal belief that dissonance has to be thought through VERY carefully, otherwise it'll just make people cringe. There just need to be some sort of core to a song that one can identify as music, and then you can build from that.

If you manage to pull that off, you may become a genious, otherwise, no one will really dig your stuff. The line is just that thin so head this warning. I REALLY hope you'll pull it off, though.

I saw PedroMancuse reviewed this as well, check out his stuff - it'll be very valuable learning material for the course you're on!

Good luck!

Noe3 responds:

Oh boy, big review... This is gonna suck XD

Hmm, not sure what you meant by throwing away all the basic conveniences that determine music nowadays, as for structure, well I can see what you mean, and I'm always working on that but still I havn't been doing this for very long.

You say I just throw random synthlines together? Now this is where I'm going to have to disaggree, in fact the reason this sounds "goofy" is because its based soley on the C blues scale, mainly used for jazz in such, all the notes are from that scale giving it this certain sound.

Core of the song, I'll try and improve that as I go (once I figure out what you mean by it).

I'll check out PedroMancuse's stuff sometime.

Thx for the review!


As said before, the track lacks a bit in the mixing and the melodic department :)
Basically, it's very bass heavy and there's no real melody to contrast with that. That leaves a very energetic, but kinda bland beat to enjoy. Not really home entertainment, but a dance floor will be quite pleased :)
Not much else to say, don't be discourage by the low MAC score, you're bound to improve beyond this if you keep up the fight. Good luck!

Dj-Fanta5t1c responds:

just a rave song =) i like to rave it up on ng. promising another mix look for it!


Good stuff! The bass line is ace!
Beginning threw me off a little, it might've been a good idea to just start with the beat included.
The melody is nicely syncopated, and contrasts well with the bassy rhythm section. Nice percussive elements in the quiet parts, too.
I hope you will expand this some time, make a B-section to it for example, and make it kick even more ass!
Good job, 5/5!

LoneEagle responds:

Well, beginning threw you off a little :D That's ok, i like to surprise people a little hehe. I could try starting the song with the beat straight off but i'm used to the "start slowly and hit them when they least expect it" formula. I'll have to try that though, starting a song with all of the elements (drums, bass, synths and all other things) like kinda mega man songs used to do. Ahh the good old days.

Unfortunately, i don't go back to old tracks but i will keep your idea in mind and try and apply it to my futur songs. You see as making a perfect song is impossible it is useless to go back and try and fix it. All my tracks are experiences that i carry along my music making journey lol.

Thanks alot for voting/reviewing WinTang!


What's not to love? Bleepy ambient with modest drums. Nice melody (is it your own or is it from a game? Like the Prince Valiant game I never dared go near?)
No matter. I enjoyed this a lot, sometimes a good melody and a few supporting tracks is all there is to it. Great job!

tedJohnston responds:

Yes, this is my original melody ... I suppose I'll take that as a complement? Thanks for reviewing!

Boom chack boom chack boom chack boom chack

Not a trance man I am, but you participated in the MAC6 and I'm reviewing them all :)

Same issues I always have with the genre, same chords repeating over and over again, bland beat, blah blah blah - that won't make you any wiser because it's all personal preference.

However, I can say that the build-up of the piece seems flawed to me. It seems to consist of breaks for 70%. I don't know if 'breaks' is the accurate word, but I mean that it takes a lot of time to get into full gear, and when it's finally at it's peak it breaks down way too soon and starts slowly building up again.

On the other hand, there's a lot of FX, panning stuff and whatnot to enjoy so I'm sure it will get a lot of appreciation (as I can already tell by the downloads!).

Good luck on your music, and if you're interested, check mine some time!

HouseMasta responds:

well too bad you didnt like it. oh well, cant please them all. anyway, i like it and a lot of other people like it, so i i know i did a good job.



Consider this one of the rare occasions that I review trance songs, in my MAC6 July reviewing spree.

Aside from the fact that I hate the genre with a passion, there are certainly things to enjoy here. The synths and beat are a little cheesy, but you made a lot of different parts work well together.
I don't know what makes it progressive though, I can't really tell the difference from other tracks of the type, and the song in itself doesn't really progress much either, sure it adds layers but it's the same 4 chords repeated over and over again.
I suppose that's the Trance element. Me, it kinda bores :)

But well done, I give you teh 4 out of teh 5.

nightvision responds:

Thanks WinTang, i'm going to try to be more selective with my percussion in the future.

I appreciate the review.

There are two kinds of people: those who finish a sentence properly.

Age 41, Male

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